Psychoterror of Hezbollah Sarah Abdallah @sahouraxo
Psychoterror of Hezbollah Sarah Abdallah @sahouraxo - She harasses every person who exposes her
Hezbollah terrorist Sarah Abdallah @sahouraxo and all her network bragged for decades about Sarah Abdallah being the porta-voce of Hezbollah. Meanwhile she terrorizes every person who reveals she is Hezbollah. She was able to convince Twitter's Team to suspend every account mentioning she is Hezbollah.
For years and years she has been and still is the porta-voce number one of terrorist organization Hezbollah, and now she falsely claims that "her life and her family's and friends life and every possible life is threatened" if someone says she is Hezbollah.
She passionately praised both terrorists Nasrallah (Head of Hezbollah) and Khamenei for decades with an uncomparable devotion. Suddenly she shut down her Hezbollah blog, scrubbed her Hezbollah traces from the internet, and claims she is harassed by those who expose her. An undefinite rudeness. She is only trying to hide her true affiliation.
The psychoterror of Sarah Abdallah @sahouraxo is limitless.
Sarah Abdallah @sahouraxo has tracked every person denouncing her on Twitter and terrorized him/her. She terrorized and continues to terrorize anyone mentioning her on other social platforms. In reality she has a secret agenda and since December 2016 she wants to hide her Hezbollah affiliation to achieve her goals.
One of her victims is @ushadrons, Sarah Abdallah made sure to suspend his accounts. @PropOrNot ID Service 🇺🇸 uncovers it in a thread.
PropOrNot ID Service 🇺🇸 on Twitter: "For background on "Sarah Abdullah"/"sahouraxo", the Hezbollah propaganda operative who apparently got @ushadrons suspended, see this article here - although there's much more & much worse. She actively aids & abets Putin's/Khamenei's attacks on the US." / Twitter

PropOrNot ID Service 🇺🇸 on Twitter: "While @ushadrons continues his work & has appealed his suspension by Twitter, his account here been locked since February. The rationale is nonsense. She is very much a public figure & her Facebook is locked down in any case. Analyzing Hezbollah's old data trail is fair game." / Twitter

Notice that the Twitter User "Cyrus" recognized Sarah Abdallah also known as Sarah Abdullah and Sahar Abdallah. She lives in Montreal, Canada, and is very religious Shia. Indeed Sarah Abdallah @sahouraxo was ranked TOP 100 Tweets about Shia, Wikileaks and CIA. To discern her Hezbollah affiliation, she stopped tweeting in direct defence of shia, instead she Tweets about Yemen in support of Houthi (who are Shia) and tweets attacks on NATO.

PropOrNot ID Service 🇺🇸 on Twitter: "For background on "Sarah Abdullah"/"sahouraxo", the Hezbollah propaganda operative who apparently got @ushadrons suspended, see this article here - although there's much more & much worse. She actively aids & abets Putin's/Khamenei's attacks on the US." / Twitter