Undeniable Proof that Sarah Abdallah @sahouraxo is a Hezbollah Terrorist
Undeniable Proof that Sarah Abdallah @sahouraxo is a Hezbollah terrorist.
Hezbollah terrorist Sarah Abdallah @sahouraxo is a Hezbollah terrorist.
If asked, she will lie and deny (she is a Taqqiyah expert), she will play the victim (Mazloumyeh) and will continue to lie, but the evidence is undeniable: Sarah Abdallah @sahouraxo is a Hezbollah terrorist and nothing she says or does will change this fact. All her trials to deceive will be destroyed in this series of articles. She will make false claims that it is a different Sarah Abdallah, and she will lie that her life is threatened, when in reality she has mouth killed all those who expose her.
The truth remains undeniable from her own blog archived on the Wayback Machine, the last available evidence which she was unable to delete. She thinks that if she convinces only a million or a billion to repeat the lie that she is not Hezbollah, it becomes a truth. But I will reinstate the truth – even if I stand alone. At the end of this research, a bibliography of the references and sources is listed. The reader will not only discover that all what is stated in the research is true, but also that Sarah Abdallah and her network purposely scrubbed evidence and tried to kill the truth. This is a typical behaviour for psychological operations and disinformation campaign led by real individuals under the instructions of governments and intelligence. And the behaviour of Hezbollah @sahouraxo is the result of trying to hide several facts, among others that her brother Hussein was jailed for his links to Hezbollah.
Every time she denies remind her that her Twitter profile, as well as her blogs www.jnoubiyeh.blogspot.com, www.jnoubiyeh.com and muqawamist.wordpress.com are archived and that the truth is shining, the proof is undeniable.
Since she also deletes all her tweets, in the picture below from the Web Archive, Sarah Abdallah @sahouraxo writes in her Twitter bibliography that her blog is : www.muqawamist.wordpress.com. Muqawamist is the Arabic word for a staunch Hezbollah Jihadi. A Hezbollah fan would not call himself Muqawamist, only a real memeber of Hezbollah is a Muqawamist. And in all of her blogs she praises Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah and Khamenei, she mourns the dead Jihadis of Hezbollah and IRGC.

In 2015 our research began on Sarah Abdallah @sahouraxo aka @muqawamist and @jnoubiyeh after noticing that she was spreading lies, hate, violence and conspiracies on Twitter. A quick look into her www.muqawamist.wordpress.com confirmed that she is Hezbollah. On her since December 2016 deleted www.muqawamist.wordpress.blog the first proof emerges that Sarah Abdallah the Muqawamist used to call herself "jnoubiyeh" on her blogs and on social media. She introduces herself:
À propos de muqawamist https://www.facebook.com/Jnoubiyeh
Voir tous les articles de muqawamist →
Proof from the Wayback Machine: Gaza Today and the 2006 July War | muqawamist

Just like on Twitter and Facebook, Sarah Abdallah @sahouraxo undergoes a name metamorphosis on her blog from "jnoubiyeh" to "muqawamist" then to "sahouraxo".
As muqawamist she changed her facebook changed from jnoubiyeh to muqawamist to sahouraxo “covering the Arab-Islamic world's affairs from the heart of the Resistance Camp” which means from the Hezbollah camp. She introduces herself:
A propos muqawamist Lebanese writer, geopolitical analyst and commentator covering the Arab-Islamic world's affairs from the heart of the Resistance Camp. Follow me on Facebook for daily updates: https://www.facebook.com/sahouraxo
Afficher tous les articles de muqawamist →
Proof from the Wayback Machine: Pseudo-Palestine Solidarity Activists and the Three-Star, Anti-Syrian Colonialist Flag | muqawamist

By marking and hovering over her "A Propos Muqawamist" we discovered her Gravatar on Wordpress: It was @sahouraxo under the name "Muqawamist". A gravatar requires an official name. Sarah Abdallah opted to present herself as Hezbollah.

Sarah Abdallah @sahouraxo has been a devoted member of the terrorist organization Hezbollah since at least 2007 - she must have been 20 to 25 years old back then. She has translated all speeches of Hassan Nasrallah when no one did, she posted her pics with a Hezbollah promotion T-Shirt and a cape with the new Iraq flag baring the slogan "Allahu Akbar". She has praised Hezbollah, IRGC, Nasrallah, Khamenei, Shia and the Hezbollah Jihadis in endless and countless blogs on her three blogs, on greanvillepost blog, on a Muslim dating website called Naseeb and the Iranian-Mullah-sponsored website "Letter for truth".
Extremely far from being truthful, Sarah Abdallah @sahouraxo is a Hezbollah agent and member, inciting Americans and European against each other, sowing discord among nations and spreading lies and conspiracies to advance the goal of the terrorist organization Hezbollah.
For related articles on Hezbollah @sahouraxo see our section HEZBOLLAH SARAH ABDALLAH SAHOURAXO. Finally a picture Sarah Abdallah made sure Twitter deletes it. Sarah Abdallah wearing a Hezbollah T-shirt.